Inspire Delivers Results
When choosing Inspire Medical Billing, our partners receive dedicated billing services and support. Our team of experienced billers and coders are motivated to help every step of the way. Inspire Medical Billing delivers high performance, quality customer service, and a state-of-the-art software platform that helps our clients succeed like never before.

Philosophies That Make A Difference
Part of what makes your partnership with Inspire special is the transparency.
We work closely with the practice in order to maximize potential.
We proudly focus on strong customer support and take time to explain the bills to your patients.
Problem Solving
We troubleshoot the rules and bureaucracy of insurance companies for you.
We help physicians stay informed and ahead of the game.
We believe our agreements are like partnerships; when you succeed, we all succeed together.
We Inspire for a better healthcare.

What To Look For With Inspire
As a reliable medical billing firm, IMB’s qualified team provides customized solutions to each practices individual needs. In addition to billing experts, our team includes AAPC certified medical coders as well as knowledge across many EMR and billing platforms. Inspire Medical Billing’s promise is to provide accurate and timely billing. The results yield increased reimbursements and a reduction in claim rejections!
IMB’s team has extensive knowledge and experience with:
Medicare and Medicaid rules and regulations
Diagnostic and procedural coding
Electronic claim submission
Accounts payable management
Proud Partners
Advocate Health Care
Proud partners since 2020.
Proud partners since 2010.
ACO of Chicago
Proud partners since 2009.